Photo: Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Credit: Nebraskaland Magazine/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

About The NISC

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) collected on a rock in a stream.

Who We Are

The Nebraska Invasive Species Council (NISC) was established in April 2012 through Legislative Bill 391 to help protect the state's land, water, and other resources from harmful invasive species. The NISC serves as a mechanism for cooperation, communication, and collaboration between public and private organizations interested in controlling and preventing invasive species introduction and spread across the state. 

Our Mission

Our Objectives

  1. Recommend action to minimize the effects of harmful invasive species on Nebraska's citizens in order to promote the economic and environmental well-being of the state;
  2. Develop and periodically update a statewide adaptive management plan for invasive species;
  3. Serve as a forum for discussion, identification, and understanding of invasive species issues;
  4. Facilitate the communication, cooperation, and coordination of local, state, federal, private, and nongovernmental entities for the prevention, control, and management of invasive species;
  5. Assist with public outreach and awareness of invasive species issues;
  6. Provide information to the Legislature for decision making, planning, and coordination of invasive species management and prevention
Members of the Nebraska Invasive Species Council standing in front of the Backyard Farmer Garden on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus.

Photo: NISC Members standing in front of the Backyard Farmer Garden on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus in October 2024.