House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
Brown, 15 cm long and very common in human-made habitats. Males have a black bib, white cheeks, a chestnut mantle around the gray crown and chestnut-colored feathers on the upper wings. Females have a plain, dingy-gray breast, a distinct, buffy eye stripe, and a streaked back.
Prefers human altered habitats, usually farm areas but it can be found in nearly every habitat except dense forest, alpine, and desert environments.
Location in Nebraska
Found all throughout Nebraska.
Pathway of Introduction and Spread
Introduced in Brooklyn, New York, from England in 1850 and has spread throughout the continent. Spread by reproduction which occurs usually in March through August but can happen at any month.
Feed in large groups on grain in the fields and in storage. They also tend to compete with native species for favored nest sites.
John J. Mosesso, National Biological Information Infrastructure,
Jim Occi, BugPics,