Giant Salvinia
Salvinia molesta
Federal Noxious Weed. Floating aquatic fern with leaves that become compressed into chains in older plants. Leaves: about ½-1½ in. long; oval, folded, and covered with arching hairs.
Becomes established in lakes, ponds, streams, rivers and other freshwater wetlands, and cultivated rice fields, etc.
Location in Nebraska
Not known to exist in Nebraska. Found in most southern U.S. states.
Pathway of Introduction and Spread
Introduced as an ornamental aquatic plant and is spread to new water bodies on boats and fishing gear by dumping of aquaria and by other unintentional means.
Poses a serious threat to lakes, ponds, streams, rivers and other freshwater wetlands, and cultivated rice fields. It grows rapidly and spreads across water surfaces, forming dense floating mats that cut off light to other aquatic plants, reduces oxygen content and degrades water quality for fish and other aquatic organisms.
Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft.