Caucasian Bluestem

Bothriochloa bladhii

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Also called Australian bluestem and Australian beardgrass. Height to 2-3 ft. tall, green to purple, long, thin panicle flowers; June to August. Leaves are flat or bent outward, smooth, with a noticeable midrib. When crushed, the leaves smell like turpentine.


Found in roadsides and pastures; prefers heavy, dry soils.

Location in Nebraska

Found in a few counties of Eastern Nebraska.

Pathway of Introduction and Spread

Originally from Eurasia, used landscaping and as a pasture forage, but has escaped into natural areas. Spreads by rhizomes and by seed.


Establishes easier than the native bluestems. Increases risk of wildfire due to standing dry vegetation. Competes with native vegetation.

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